Christmas jumpers

I love christmas sweaters, sadly my wardrobe does not reflect this love. I only own three of them, and the bear one is kind of a stretch. The middle one I bought at beyond retro last year in Stockholm, the other two are from the mens section at primark. And yes, I know that bah humbug is not really christmas positive, but I just thought it was so cool that I had to buy it!

They are also so very easy to dress up. Just take something with a collar underneath and bam, you're fancy. Hopefully my collection will have grown by next year, but this christmas I'll be wearing the heck out of these three babies.

Åh så söta! gillar den med tänderna! underbart charmiga! älskar jultröjor!
Sv: Ja, vill verkligen dit :) Japp, är tillbaks till kära götet nu. Väldigt kallt och massa snö! Men som sagt, underbart godis indeed!
Åh vilka tjusiga!